Sunday, 3 May 2015


this illustration was for a competition to design a book cover  for a series of urban fantasy novel by Jez Campbell, the competition winners would have their cover used for a special version of the book the runners up would be mentioned in the book.

to be honest i think this looks more like poster than a book cover but again experience, you learn from your mistakes.

UPSU TV logo

This is a logo i did for the Portsmouth university student union TV station it was an open competition for someone  to design them a new logo and the person who won the contest  their logo would be used for the student union TV station. i didn't win but i at least got to try and design a logo which i hadn't done before so i thought of it as a valuable experience, which i think is more important.

Trafalgar bar

Here is a series of image i was commissioned to do for a pub called Trafalgar bar, it was to be displayed on the anniversary of nelsons victory at Trafalgar .

my pieces are created using both Photoshop and illustrator , this was to stretch myself a bit as i'm not  that proficient with Photoshop as i am with illustrator, i thought this was a good chance to test myself.